Also, I have about 10 projects that I'm actively working on right now, never mind everything that's in storage. Yeesh. Here's a sneak peak at 5 of them.
The Lonely Shawl is finished, I just need to get some good pictures of it. Guys, the hugs it gives me are wonderfully warm and cozy, and I'm so glad I chose it as my coping project. Also, I think I'm hooked on triangle shawls now. I'm already plotting more, though I've told myself I have to finish a project before I can start one.
Ugh. Stupid rules.
This is my latest weaving project. No, I haven't shown you my first one. More on that later, when I've made a bit more progress on this one and get a pic of the other. I want to tell you all about weaving! This tapestry is for me - it'll be my housewarming gift to myself.
Oh hey yeah, I found a place to live! Great basement apartment with lots of light and a few awesome features I'm not telling you about until I give you a tour when I move in. :) I'm so happy to have found a place so quickly - the instability of not having a place to live has been eating away at my mental state big-time, despite all of the wonderful people who have welcomed me into their homes. It's not the same as having your own space.
I've also got a few sweaters on the go. This one is my second Marion sweater (the first is a god-awful shade of green and a bit too short) and is knit from the most scrumptious merino/cashmere blend in the world! Though I kind of wish I'd picked the burgundy shade after all. The light brown shade isn't talking to me right now - which is probably why I'm not that far into it despite starting it back in November...
This sweater is a wee one for my employee's brand-spankin' new baby! Well, once he's aged a bit - making a larger size because Sproggy's Grandmum knit him approximately 10 bajillion sweaters up to about 9 months old. He'll be cold once he outgrows them all, so this one should come in handy.
Granted, that's only if I actually finish the darn thing. I made a big mistake on the collar and now it's in the wip timeout corner until I'm willing to undo the whole bind off.

And this last one is just a hint at the colourwork sweater I mentioned in my last post! I couldn't resist starting to swatch the colourwork section - though I suspect I've got the wrong needle size here.
The final wip is, of course, me. No pic right now though. Though I think we're all wips - you never really finish you until you're dead! But ah, I have my good days and bad days, but everyday gets higher up on the slope to doing better. If today's progress was a little shallow, the steep incline that finding an apartment more than makes up for it.
Thank you again for your support. I can't tell you how much it means to me. <3