Saturday, November 14, 2015

Knitting WiPs for a Lazy Saturday

I'm not feeling that great, so a quiet night on the couch sounded like a fantastic idea!  I'd originally planned to sew this evening, and I'm sad to have skipped out, but it's also nice to sit and knit for a bit (haha).

wip: Porsmouth Toque
Despite having grown my wip pile (again - ye gods, I think I have about 20 projects on the go), I started a new hat on Thursday.  AHA.  But it's for a good cause!  The community knitting group I'm involved with plans to hang up a bunch of warm stuff around downtown this winter, and I plan to knit a few hats for it.  And what better than another one of Kat Riddell's patterns from her Granite collection!  This time I'm knitting Portsmouth in Cascade 220 in a dark heather grey.  I'm loving how it's turning out!  The rippley pattern looks like it'll be really warm too, which is what I'm looking for in these hats.

wip: Year in Temps Scarf
The other project I'm working on (and that I think I mentioned in erm, my last post) is my Year in Temps scarf.  I'm itching to get caught up on this one, since I really do need a new warm scarf, and it's looking so good.  I changed the colour scheme from the suggestions in the pattern, since I'm not actually a big fan of the colours they used. Darryl won't stop bugging me about how purple this is.  Just reinforces the fact that I'm in love with purple.  :)  I'm up to the end of May.  Yes, I know, I'm way behind, especially since I'd hoped to do this in real time.  Oh well.  Hopefully I'll catch up by the end of the year!

Anywho, that's two of my (way too many) wips.  The ones I'm working on today anyways. 

Sadly, not my jacket wip, but oh well.

How's your wip pile doing?  Are you guys more disciplined than I am?  I seem to be seduced by every single pattern out there.


  1. I finished 3 projects last month, cast on 2 and went out yesterday and bought the yarn for 8 more! I did work on five others, so there might be hope for me yet,,,

    1. AHAHAHA this sounds exactly like me! We are obviously crafting sisters. :D

  2. Haha, I had to retire to start on my WIP pile. I have been off since January and have finished about 7 quilts, several pair of socks, untold sewing projects, plus I have done a bunch of sewing for birthday gifts and Christmas. It is exciting to see the floor of the sewing room for a change.

    1. Way to go! Maybe I need to retire... lol :D

  3. Phew! OK WIP are my advent calendar, afghan squares for a friend's FIL, daughter's sheepy sweater, clothes for the kids' dolls. To do before the holiday-that-shall-not-be-named: 2 pairs crochet Chuck slippers, my hat (cause I want a damn hat), something for MIL, Anna dress for daughter.

    To be done in near future: button-up shirt for me, bebe hats or booties for coworkers, son's family scrapbook (to practice names).
